Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hello, My name is Micki. I am a 57 year old mother of 5 and grandmother of 7 and counting, born and raised in Texas, married a Nevada man and raised my family outside of sin city. When you live near or in Vegas unless you work there you seldom go downtown. But enough about my History. Your here to learn some health and beauty secrets.

In my youth I have to say my mother had a great influence on me and my mother being from a family that was not that health motivated, she followed the lines of her parents of smoking young and living for today. My father was a sailor. Enough said..
    But my mother had enough clean living instilled in her from her grandparents to seek it when she started having her own family. Harder still we were from southern Texas. You have heard about southern cooking. Heavy greasy comfort foods.  
      My mother had a number of stomach problems while raising 7 of us and it made her start searching for more healthy outlets. From this I got the desire to do the same. It not easy in this world of half truths and lies to find that. Companies will do anything to sell their product and before the ease of the internet to check if they are lying you had to depend on your own inner voice to tell you if it was right. What my mother found was going back to the old ways were actually some of the best ways. Going back to the earth and what it produces had the answers. I truly believe that this earth has an answer to every disease on of the face of it.  But people today want a quick answer. They want it solved now and the body being a living organism takes time to heal. Our bodies are from the earth and thus compatible with the earth.   Man made pharmaceuticals have taking from the earth which was natural and have added their own twist to it to give us this heal me now attitude  What does that cause? More problems. Read the side effects to all medications pharmaceuticals companies produce. These easy fixes do not compliment our own earth made body's makeup so it causes more problems when our bodies reject it.  So in order to heal ourselves we need to return to nature. Pure nature without the trapping of man made quick fixes. This means anything we put into our bodies from that fast food deep fried chicken burger and french fries with the king size pop to the headache medications. Are you ready to change? 
 As we get older we have been told our bodies will age. That is true to some extent. But how your body will age is up to you. 
   My biggest fear that motivates me in this life is being healthy and active in my later years. What motivates you? Why are you seeking this? 
   Quick fix food are addictive and unlike some other addictions we have to keep eating and with our fast lifestyles we choose what is easiest to grab. That is a hard thing to overcome. It is impossible to do this cold turkey but changing one thing every day will change what your body is craving until one day you will be presented with something unhealthy and your body will say .. "I really don't want that . Please don't make me take it".
 If you think it is hard for you to change with your desire to, you will find it will be a challenge to change those around you even more because they have yet to see the importance in it.  Children and teens are notorious for eating unhealthy. You don't know how many time raising 5 children I have had thin active teens making pizza, chips and candy!. When you are trying to avoid and eat healthy these are major temptations your teens shove in your face on the pretense of being generous. "Want some mom?" Saying no and then preceding to tell them the dangers of what they are now putting in their bodies will make you look naggy and overly paranoid  to them.
 To everything there is a season... 
 Live by example. They will see the change.
   Younger children are easier to teach. Teaching your children young the benefits of healthy living may be forgotten with the peer pressure of teen years but they will go back to it when it comes time to raise their own children.
     Also with teens appealing to their vanity can help. What you put into your body appears on your face.
I, like my mother was also raised with you should eat everything on your plate. Children in Africa are starving.  Now at my age that makes no sense to me, how is my eating everything on my plate going to save children in Africa from starvation. That indoctrination has profound effects on a person. When you are faced with a nation that believes in big, super size and super super sized. Being able to control food intake is a big problem for a lot of people. So learning to reprogram yourself and eat healthier satisfies your body which in turn will satisfy your mind. I now do not believe in counting calories and monitoring my body. By putting the right things in it to help it work properly it will monitor itself.
 I am very proud of my mother, how many people can brag about the fact that their 78 year old mother is still working full time. She takes no medications. I am not saying she has never taken medications because she has. I am saying she is very choosy about what she takes and when and for how long. Because of that she is still extremely active, raising a garden among other things. Eating health works. My mother is proof.
 We are so quick to take care of our cars, homes, and yards but it seems when it comes to our bodies we think we will live forever. We abuse them with sugary drinks, rich calorie desserts, and  deep fried foods. We are willing to feed our pets better then ourselves.Why is that? Because we are addicted to the excess.
  Its time to go back to nature......

Eating healthy is not cheap. It can cost more to go the healthy route. It is not as easy as that box of mac and cheese. But if your reading this your not looking for the box of mac and cheese your looking to change your life. so let get started.

I. Ditch the sugary and diet drinks. Learn to love water. Our bodies are made up of 60 % water. not soda not sugary juices and not coffee and tea. Water. If water is to plain add some fresh fruit juice, a squeeze of lemon, lime, orange what ever you like. But make if fresh.I like to add Doterra  essential oils to my water. It takes getting use to, but now I crave them because my body likes them. I like doterra because they are one of the only oils that are completely natural and can be ingested. 

2 The old saying an apple a day. Apples have so many benefits. Apples give you whiter, healthier teeth, help  avoids Alzheimer’s, Help prevent all sorts of cancers,Reduce cholesterol, Decrease your risk of diabetes, promotes a healthier heart ,Prevents gallstones, rids your body of  diarrhea and constipation, helps prevent irritable bowel syndrome, Boost your immune system, Control your weight, helps you avoid hemorrhoids,will detox your liver,and helps to pervent cataracts. I could go on.Eating fresh fruit will make your body happy.

3.Eat meat sparingly. I did not say stop eating meat. I said cut it back,especially as you get older, You body has a hard time processing heavy food and some meat are heavy. Bacon, sausage , and some meats are processed with sugars, salts and other things. Beware of what has been added. You don't have to have meat for every meal. There are many other forms of proteins such as nuts and seeds, whole grains, soybeans, and other legumes, and natural dairy products. I myself prefer Almond milk to dairy milk. But that does not mean the over salted roasted nuts or seeds.It means raw unseasoned nuts and seeds. Whole grains can be packed with sugars. Watch for that. Remember we are trying to avoid processed foods and sugars . Dairy products are great but once again most on store shelves are sweetened, over processed to the point they do not look like what came out of a cow in the first place.  

4. Veggies. I am talking about fresh non cooked non canned non processed veggies. Fresh and some frozen. Just make sure nothing has been added. Eating vegetables  as part of an healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers, reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.